Atrip DropsはiTunesで聴いている音楽のアーティスト名と曲のタイトルと曲に対してのコメントを株式会社HeroiqueFountainが運営するソーシャルネットワーキングサイト「atrip」に投稿できるアプリケーションです。

Atrip is social networking site which is run by Heroique Foundation Co.,Ltd.
‘Atrip Drops’ is the application that makes you able to contribute
things like the music you listen, their titles and artist names, and
even your comments for each music to the site ‘Atrip’ by using iTunes.
On this application, when you create the link with Facebook or
Twitter, all the music and their information you have in iTunes
(including your comments) can be contributed to Facebook and Twitter.
Lets share your favorite music with friends!